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Education at Public Events
Part of FOMR’s mission includes educating people about
our Watershed. We typically participate in a number of
summer events such as:
Earth Day Staunton (April)
Riverfest (April)
At these events, the public learns about our organization, can see a education in action, and can buy raffle tickets for the kayak we set up with us. At certain events we demonstrate with live benthic insects or live fish displays geared towards all ages.
In addition to these public events, FOMR provides a “speakers bureau” (so to speak) for groups and organizations who would like a presenter on a relevant topic.
Earth Day Staunton, 2019
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Pete Cooper EDS 2022
Jeanine Botkin EDS 2022.6
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Earth Day Staunton with Kites & Critters, 2022
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