1:1 Consultation Meeting
Best Management Practices

Best Management Practices Consultation Meeting
Friends of the Middle River and the Shenandoah Valley Conservation Collaborative will be hosting a meet and greet to talk about financial assistance that is available throughout the state (and federally) to support agriculture preservation and conservation practices on private land!
Date: Thursday, March 21
Time: 4:30 PM until 6:30 PM
Location: American Legion Post 13 - 357 Cedar Green Rd, Staunton, VA 24401
Who is eligible to attend?
Landowner must own 20+ acres of land.
Land should be undeveloped open space, forest, and/or agricultural land.
Attendees will meet, one-on-one for 6-10 minutes, with representatives from various organizations to talk about your vision for your property. This gives landowners the chance to learn, all at one place and time, about many opportunities that could help your property pay for itself while engaging in conservation. A light meal and refreshments will be provided.
We hope to hold more of these meetings in the future, so if you can’t attend this one or know others who might like to attend please reach out to Gabriel Glover at (540) 448-0999 or sos.fomr@gmail.com.